TAFE Diesel Generators & Diesel Engines

TAFE Power Diesel Generators
Known for quality, technology and reliability, the Diesel Generators from TAFE POWER have low operational expenses, high fuel efficiency and higher value offering at an affordable price. The generators from TAFE POWER are safe, highly customizable and can be built based on the application and customer requirements.
The generators range from 5-125 kVA. The air-cooled range comprises 5-35 kVA and the liquid-cooled range comprises 30-125 kVA generators.
TAFE Power Diesel Engines
The engines from TAFE Power have their origin in German engineering and technology. The engines are used as prime movers for various applications such as tractors, power generators, agro industries, marine, front loader, bitumen sprayer, fire fighting pumps, water pumps, compressors, mud pump, water drill rig, etc.
The engines range from 12-160 hp. The air-cooled range comprises 12-66 hp and the liquid-cooled range comprises 57-160 hp engines. All the engines above 48 hp are turbocharged, along with after-cooler from 60 hp and above.
Superior build quality, ruggedness and robustness make TAFE POWER engines the first choice for use in the harshest of climates, as they work without any noticeable deration in extreme temperatures.